The Art of Natural Family Planning Student Guide Pdf Download

USCCB NFP Resources


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Spanish Language Resources

Other NFP Resources

For Purchase

The USCCB'southward NFP resources listed below are sold through the Respect Life Itemize of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. To order, call toll-gratuitous ane-866-582-0943, or email @email. In add-on, some of these resource are also available through the USCCB's Store. Please note that if an NFP resource is "non" in the USCCB'due south Shop, check dorsum with the Respect Life Catalog or write Nosotros are happy to aid you!


Natural Family Planning

This eight-panel brochure provides basic data on the methods of Natural Family Planning. It is perfect for marriage training programs and general parish instruction. Order item #9521 (English), detail #9525 (Spanish); preview the text here.

NFP, Myth and Reality

This viii-panel brochure provides information on the commonly misunderstood points concerning the methods of Natural Family Planning and Cosmic teaching which supports its apply in marriage. This resource is a popular pick for parish educational materials and full general NFP didactics. Order detail #9522 (English), item #9523 (Spanish); preview the text here.

Natural Family Planning, Dear, Mercy, Life, Opening the Centre of Spousal relationship

This eight-panel brochure reflects upon Church teaching on marital love and responsible parenthood through the lens of beloved, mercy, and life. Written as a catechetical resources, this brochure is advisable for parish use, marriage enrichment programs, and full general catechetical programs. To preview the text, run into Gild, item #1626. Delight note that an abbreviated version of this text is available equally a gratuitous two-page bulletin insert on the above spider web page.


An Introduction to Natural Family unit Planning

This xx-folio booklet provides basic data about NFP. It includes an overview of Catholic teaching, a summary of human fertility, and a reflection on the benefits for married man and wife. A listing of select resource is also included. Order item #9921 (English language), #9927 (Spanish); preview the text at: .

Married Love and the Gift of Life

Argument the bishops of the U.s.a. on marriage, marital love and responsible parenthood, and the ethical methods of Natural Family Planning presented in a question and answer format. Guild from the USCCB store at Preview the text here.

Novena Cards

"A Heart Open to God's Will," The Annunciation, A Novena

Religion and Perseverance, Saints Anne & Joachim Novena

Saints Anne and Joachim are powerful intercessors for grandparents, married couples, expectant mothers, married couples who are having difficulty conceiving. Beautiful, total-color mosaic on the comprehend of this iv past vi-inch four-page pamphlet. Order particular #0422 (English language), item #0423 (Spanish); preview the text at: unit-planning/resources/nfp-novena southward .

Reflection Carte

Oh Flaming Burn

This four-panel reflection card offers a poem about God's presence in the marriage of husband and wife. Written by author Francis Etheredge, a married man, father, and scholar, the reflection card is perfect for marriage enrichment programs, marriage anniversary celebrations, and marriage preparation programs. preview text here ; order item #2125.


Free USCCB NFP Resource to Download

Bulletin Briefs and Inserts

Looking for an NFP related quote to insert in your parish message? Want to insert a two-page commodity to help your people reflect on Church building didactics that supports NFP use in marriage? See our page of downloadable resources for the parish bulletin.


Made for Honey, sponsored by the Promotion and Defense force of Spousal relationship, Secretariat for Laity, Wedlock, Family unit Life, and Youth, USCCB. This podcast treats many bug about men and women loving well according to God's divine plan. It specially focuses on matrimony and family. A number of episodes treat NFP, for example, episodes 17 and 18 embrace the benefits and challenges of NFP employ in marriage in the words of the couples themselves. Episode 69 features an interview with NFP promoter, Damon Owens. To view when in the site, curlicue down the list for numbered episodes. The titles are self-explanatory.

Social Media Graphics

A diversity of social media graphics, many with timeless quotes from Scripture, Church documents, and saints, are developed for NFP Week each year. They exercise not include dates in the designs and are posted here (please scroll down to the menu and select "Social Media Graphics").

Web Graphics

A variety of web graphics based on the designs from each yr'southward NFP Week posters are bachelor in English language and Spanish and posted here (please scroll down to the menu and select "Spider web Graphics").

Spanish Language Resources

The resources listed beneath are featured under the subject topics on this folio. They are presented here equally well for your convenience.


An Introduction to Natural Family unit Planning
This 20-page booklet provides bones information most NFP. It includes an overview of Catholic pedagogy, a summary of human fertility, and a reflection on the benefits for husband and wife. A list of select resource is also included. Order item #9927 for the Spanish language; preview the text in English at:


Natural Family unit Planning
The text provides a general description of various aspects of NFP. View the English language text at order, contact:; or call toll-complimentary at i-866-582-0943. Ask for publication #9525 for Spanish.

NFP, Myth and Reality
The text covers the mutual myths near NFP and Church teaching. View the English text at To order, contact:; or call toll free at 1-866-582-0943. Ask for publication #9522 for English and #9523 for Spanish. Too bachelor to lodge via the USCCB Store.

Bulletin Inserts

NFP Week Posters


The Annunciation
Hard copy is only available in English language. A printable copy of the Spanish linguistic communication text is at

Saints Anne and Joachim Novena

Social Media Files

The NFP Week social media files are typically provided in English and Castilian. Come across (please roll downward to the "Social Media" section on the page).

Spider web Graphics

The NFP Week spider web graphics are typically provided in English and Spanish. Run across unit-planning/sensation-week/nfp-week-archived-web-graphics.

Other NFP Resources

The resources listed below are produced by a variety of diocesan staff, national NFP providers, Catholic universities, and organizations. They include apps, books, brochures, curricula, NFP educational programs, videos, websites, etc. To learn more, please contact the authors or organizations directly.

  • Humanae Vitae, 50 Years Later, Embracing God'southward Vision for Marriage, Dearest and Life, A Compendium is available from The Catholic University of America Printing (2019). Edited by Theresa Notare, Ph.D., Banana Director, NFP Programme, USCCB, this honor-winning* book features the papers from the 2018 Humanae vitae 50th-anniversary symposium held at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC (April 4-half-dozen). *The Catholic Press Association awarded this book second place in the category of anthologies in 2020. Orders, 1-800-537-5487.
  • The Archdiocese of St. Louis has available a template for a brochure that can easily be adapted for your NFP ministry building. Entitled "What Can NFP Do for You lot?," the St. Louis NFP staff also offer an pick to work with their printer so that you can lodge hard copies directly. Please come across the brochure order page. Contact Melissa Barnason, Office Assistant, Office of NFP, tel. 1-314-997-7576;
  • Minnesota Catholic Conference has available free videos on Cosmic education on the person and human being sexuality from the 1-day symposium "Revisit the Catholic Vision of the Homo Person." View the talks on their website (select the link in the scrolling images); or, go to their YouTube channel.
  • NFP and More has a complimentary brochure on the benefits of breastfeeding. Written by John and Shelia Kippley, This brochure tin can be downloaded here.
  • Civilisation of Encounter Podcast features a 27-minute interview with NFP pioneer, Mary Shivanandan, STD, available hither. Dr. Shivanandan discusses the profound result of postmodernism on our understanding of the man person. She then presents an culling, "afterward-modernism," which is grounded in the personalism of St. John Paul II, specifically his Trinitarian anthropology. Dr. Shivanandan's discussion touches upon reproductive technologies, NFP, and Humanae vitae. This interesting and useful conversation centers on her article "Post-Modernism vs. After Modernism" published in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Winter 2017).
  • Goya Producciones has bachelor a serial on Natural Family Planning which they filmed, in part, at the 2015 Earth Congress on NFP in Milan, Italy. Various NFP leaders from the United States are featured in the series including Mike Manhart, Ph.D., Couple to Couple League, well-known NFP researcher, Joe Stanford, MD (Utah), and Theresa Notare, Ph.D., Banana Director, USCCB'southward NFP Program. The DVD serial, titled "Marital Dear and Responsible Parenthood," is now available in English and Spanish for purchase. DVD Flyer. To view a 9-infinitesimal trailer, visit the dating and spousal relationship folio.
  • The Couple to Couple League announces a new cocky-paced online NFP grade and revised course offerings. The changes are the effect of CCL's efforts to make NFP bachelor anywhere, anytime, any place to anyone who wants to learn. The self-paced online class is designed for today's busy couple. The same material that is presented in CCL live classes is delivered in a series of videos and interactive learning modules. To acquire more, contact: CCL, Tel., ane-800-745-8252; Email,; Spider web.
  • The Diocese of Richmond (VA) has available an exciting new marriage preparation plan that integrates NFP information with Church teaching. Entitled, Unveiled, this innovative program provides a consistent catechetical format for marriage preparation. Unveiled ensures the integrity of content through a series of videos and workbooks for both facilitators and couples. To find out more, contact: Center for Spousal relationship, Family, and Life, Diocese of Richmond; Tel., 804-622-5109; Web,
  • Annunciation Ministries--Evangelization Through Marriage is a pastoral service that provides full general consultation to diocesan or parish staff to plant or revitalize their marriage preparation programs. Proclamation Ministries also offers assist in establishing NFP programs in the parish or diocese. Contact: Kari Colella, Executive Manager, Tel, 781-708-3676; @electronic mail; Spider web,
  • CONTRACEPTION: The Real Story, a resource from The St. Augustine Foundation. View the video hither. This sixteen-office video educational resource is helpful for parents, diocesan staff (e.k., Marriage and Family Life, NFP, Pro-Life Activities, and Youth Ministry), teachers, Catholic physicians, and parents. Developed by the staff of the St. Augustine Foundation (SAF), the text was written in consultation with a variety of national NFP educators and physicians. The resource is, in function, a response to oppose the false claims of the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) September 29, 2014, "Policy Statement and Technical Report on Contraception for Adolescents." That policy argument promotes long-interim and reversible contraceptives (LARC) for adolescents equally "standard medical care." The SAF serial provides: a summary of key Cosmic didactics on marriage, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood; an overview of human reproduction; a summary of the facts about diverse artificial contraceptives and their many negative side effects; a critique of the AAP 2014 policy; and a word on the virtue of guiltlessness. The resource is also bachelor in a PowerPoint presentation. Video, script, and graphics are available costless of charge to diocesan staff. For more information, contact: John E. Fitzgerald, Manager, The St. Augustine Foundation; 538 Riverdale Ave., Yonkers, NY 10705; 914-613-5510; @e-mail.
  • FACTS launches Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Systems (FACTS), is comprised of NFP physicians, leaders, and educators. Their mission is to educate healthcare professionals, especially physicians, on the science and methods of NFP.
  • New "Theology of the Body" Video Serial bachelor from David Hajduk, a theologian, husband, and father with over xx years of experience in religious education, youth, family life, and Pro-Life ministries. This series is perfect for NFP teachers in their outreach instruction, parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, faith teachers, and parents who want to share the dazzler of life with their children. Also available from David Hajduk is his book for youth on the Theology of the Body entitled. God's Programme for Y'all: Life, Love, Union and Sex.
  • Billings Charting App available from Lawson Culver, the talent behind has now launched an android app for Billings users to nautical chart their fertility cycles from the ease of their smartphones. For more information visit its page in the app store.
  • The St. Augustine Foundation has adult a new website to help yous educate on NFP and Catholic instruction on human sexuality, the virtue of guiltlessness, marriage, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood. A special feature is several brief courses tailored for young adults. Also included is a video of interviews with Catholic physicians. See
  • BOMA-United states Billings Ovulation Method Association has available the second edition of the volume, A Preachable Message. For couples who would similar to learn the Billings Method online, WOOMB offers distance education. Contact: Sue Ek at @email.
  • Cosmic Marriage Prep is an online resource and part of Agape Cosmic Ministries in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. It allows for both marriage prep and NFP classes in person or on the spider web. To observe out more than visit their website.
  • On-Line Spousal relationship Preparation developed past the Archdiocese of Chicago. This programme allows engaged couples to experience a qualified Cosmic Pre-Cana program completely at their convenience through the Cyberspace. Interested? Run into Online Marriage Prep.
  • "Women, Sex, and the Church building; A Case for Catholic Teaching," (Erika Bachiochi, ed.), is written by women who challenge "the common misconceptions that the Catholic Church's teachings are anti-women and anti-sexual practice." This book offers a multifariousness of faithful Catholic women writing on such issues equally: love, sex, reproduction, women in the dwelling house, and women in the world. A teaching guide designed especially for students of law, feminist theory, and sexual and social ethics is also bachelor. For more than data, visit her  as well. email:
  • The Couple to Couple League has NFP resources for clergy. Please contact CCL at (513) 471-2000, for their electric current resources. In the by, they offered a "Clergy Packet" which included a diversity of like shooting fish in a barrel-to-read brochures that offered general information on the science and couple-relationship building benefits of NFP. The brochures were written for both clergy and parishioners. Equally of 2019, CCL offers a free seminar for clergy too.
  • Daughters Forever, Sons Forever: Helping Parents Connect with Teens on Important Bug is a book by Linda Kracht. It has companion study guides for both parents and teens. The resource covers such topics equally gender, healthy eating, abortion, marriage, religious vocations, fertility, and challenges of parenting. Catholic parents are given the information, research, and applied advice to guide adolescents through the negative messages of modern culture. The author's goal is to assistance parents raise faithful teens and to promote healthy communication between parent and kid. For more information, Encounter Fortifying Families of Organized religion.
  • "The New Face of Natural Family Planning: A New Breed of Doctors Proclaiming the Message of Women's Wellness and Happiness," St. Louis Review, Vol. 71, No. 10 highlights six resident physicians in the department of OB/GYN who plan to specialize in NFP!
  • Now available, the video, "Saying I Do: What Happens at a Catholic Wedding," introduces viewers to the Roman Cosmic Order of Celebrating Spousal relationship and answers ofttimes asked questions well-nigh Cosmic marriage. This 22-minute video is available for free on the homepage of the For Your Marriage website.
  • Online Introduction to the Billings Method Sponsored past the Archdiocese of Chicago this online course provides an introduction to the scientific discipline of NFP and the Billings Method in detail. A special feature is a video of the NFP couple who teach and witness to living the NFP lifestyle. Supplemental materials such as PDF documents for farther reading are too included. Register on their website For more data contact: Maria Garcia, NFP Coordinator, Archdiocese of Chicago, (312) 534-8273; email: @email.
  • "Women and Art" by Mary Shivanandan, Humanum Review, Summer 2012.
  • WOOMB International, of the Billings Ovulation Method, has recently updated their website. It provides information about their international activities too as the science and philosophy underpinning the method. New pages accept been added too every bit options in Spanish, French, Chinese, Vietnamese as well equally English language.


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